Contrasting noises and expanding sounds: the composition process of Caminantes I to IV

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  • Igor Leão Maia



This article explores some of the compositional techniques of a cycle of four pieces called Caminantes. Firstly, it comments on the importance of timbre and texture, the starting point for my own creation of material and its articulation. In this part, the contributions of different composers of the 20th Century are discussed, in order to contextualise the ideas and techniques used in the composition of the Caminantes cycle. Then there is an analysis of the compositions from the point of view of form, extended techniques, harmony, microtonality and indeterminacy. The analysis is aided by digital audio analysis, i.e. spectrograms as well as by sections of the score.


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Author Biography

Igor Leão Maia

Igor L. Maia is a Brazilian composer and conductor. He holds a PhD in music composition from King's College London, supervised by Prof. Silvina Milstein and Prof. George Benjamin, with support from the Capes Foundation (Brazil). He has a bachelor in music composition from the Royal Conservatory of the Hague and a master of music from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil), supervised by Prof. Silvio Ferraz and with a scholarship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp, Brazil). Igor's compositions employ complex timbre-structures and sonorities, using extended techniques and microtonality for expressive and sensuous purposes, evoking exotic sound-worlds. His compositions have been performed throughout Europe, the Americas and Japan. As a conductor, he has performed in Brazil, Germany, Holland, Spain and the UK and was Assistant Conductor of the King's College London Symphony Orchestra (KCLSO) and Associate Conductor of the Goodensemble, Goodenough College (London, UK). E-mail:


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How to Cite

Maia, I. L. (2018). Contrasting noises and expanding sounds: the composition process of Caminantes I to IV. Vortex Music Journal, 6(2).



Research Papers