Music-Therapy Experiences from a Ubiquitous Music Perspective
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Well-being, Ubimus, Therapy, Everyday Technology, Everyday SettingsAbstract
PROMUS (Muisc-therapy program for health professionals) targets the incentive to well-being by means of technological support in everyday contexts. This iniciative is framed within the current approaches to ubiquitous music. We highlight the usage of spaces that previously were not considered apt for music-therapeutic practice. Another contribution of this project is the repurposing of everyday technology. The proposed usage of simple technology, of low operative cost and compatible with a diverse profile of participants is strongly aligned to the design practice established within ubimus. We discuss the implications of this proposal for the enhancement of the dialogue between ubimus and the therapeutic usage of musical resources.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tereza Raquel Alcântara-Silva, Sandra Rocha do Nascimento, Mayara Kelly Alves Ribeiro, Damián Keller
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