Building a performance of the piece “Mutationen II für violoncelo und tonband” by Claudio Santoro.
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Mutationen II für Violoncelo und Tonband, Violoncelo, Música Eletroacústica, Claudio SantoroAbstract
This paper aims to study the work “Mutationen II für Cello und Tonband,” written by Claudio Santoro, translating, and understanding the instructions in the cello part and in the tape. Regarding the recording of the media, the work deals with up-to-date technological tools, such as studio recording and the use of audio programs, because tape recorders suggested by Claudio Santoro in the 1960s are no longer available. As the main results of the research, we can point out the recording of the piece and score editing in Portuguese, since the only edition previously available was a manuscript with most of the instructions in German. This research supports cellists interested in the study and performance of the piece, helping this way to spread knowledge about the work, which is one of the first pieces for cello and electroacoustics in the international repertoire.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Diego Paixão, Juan Ignacio Ferreras, Fábio Soren Presgrave
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