Remembering and rereading “Sgt.Pepper”
Beatles, Classic, Celebration, Sgt. PepperAbstract
Stemming from a problematization of the concept of classic according to Calvino (1993), this paper discusses how the LP “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” was the result of the Beatles’ rereading of their own personal and artistic roots as well as of all the tradition that predeces them, in a blend of nostalgia and innovation. By asking why some works of art are recognised as such, whereas others are forgotten, one investigates how reputation (BECKER, 2010) and critical fortune (ROKA, 2004) are built, and how celebrations related to these works (SILVA 2002; HARTOG 2013) cooperate to examine how Pepper became a classic that is constantly remembered by the cultural industry. We thus examine how musical and extramusical aspects over time enhanced the album so that it remains influent, prestigious and the source of varied re-readings, 55 years after its launch.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Luiz Henrique Assis Garcia, Lauro Meller, Guilherme Lentz Da Silveira Monteiro

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