Almost 20 years of Cyclone; past, present and future


  • Alexandre Torres Porres
  • Matt Barber
  • Derek Kwan



Pure Data, MAX/MSP, Cyclone


This paper discusses the history of the Cyclone library, whose purpose is to clone MAX/MSP objects into Pure Data and provide compatibility between these two environments. This paper describes the different phases and versions of Cyclone from its early days to the current state of development and our future plans.


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Biografia do Autor

Alexandre Torres Porres

Porres is a composer, performer and computer music teacher from São Paulo, Brazil with a PhD in computer music. He's a Pd enthusiast since 2005, organized the PdCon09 in São Paulo and runs EL Locus Solus, which organizes cultural events and music courses.

Matt Barber

Matt Barber is a composer, performer, and teacher currently residing in Rochester, NY. His music has been performed by the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, the Juilliard Orchestra, the Ossia New Music Ensemble, Musica Nova, the New York Miniaturist Ensemble, Tetrawind, the Arapahoe Philharmonic, and other ensembles across the United States. He has avoided adopting a particular style of composition, and every new piece represents a different and original compositional interest. Matt is an engaging performer specializing in bassoon and recorder, and is in demand as a conductor for music from Bach to Xenakis.

Derek Kwan

Derek Kwan is a percussionist and a computer science graduate student who now takes a graduate course also in computer science. His creative output includes live coding electronic music, interactive audiovisual installation art, physical computing, acoustic and electronic music composition, and percussion improvisation. As a performer, Derek has appeared with the Bang on a Can Marathon, Make Music New York, and soundSCAPE festival and has performed with Raphael Mostel's Tibetan Singing Bowl Ensemble and Iktus Percussion. He has had music compositions featured at the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, the UC Davis Shinkoskey Noon Concert series, and Glasslands Gallery (Brooklyn, NY).




Como Citar

Porres, A. T., Barber, M., & Kwan, D. (2021). Almost 20 years of Cyclone; past, present and future. Revista Vórtex, 9(2), 15.



Dossier "A quarter of century of Pd: past, present and future"