Developing a Crossover Idiomatic Writing for the Double Bass: Composing/Arranging & Playing, and ... Da capo !


  • Fausto Borém Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



music performance construction, idiomatic writing for the double bass, double bass composition and arrangement, double bass performance, crossover music and music genres


Based on works of crossover nature (classical + popular) composed or arranged for the "2019 International Society of Bassists Convention" , I discuss the development of idiomatic writing of the acoustic double bass. Departing from the interaction between three creative musical processes - composing, arranging and playing, in various musical genres (classical song, Broadway musical song, blues, rock, ballad and samba), I discus (1) the refinement of the notation in the score; (2) the heterogeneity of the seven double bass registers; (3) exploring the double bass as a harmonic instrument; (4) exploring the double bass as percussion instrument; (5) the exploration of the text-music binomial (6) the reduction of larger instrumentations (symphony orchestra, chamber groups, blues and rock bands) to smaller groups (duo, trio and quartet with double bass, voice, piano and percussion) and (7) the development of extended techniques on the double bass not documented in the literature.


Biografia do Autor

Fausto Borém, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Fausto BoreÌm is Full Professor at UFMG, Brazil, where he created the Music Graduate Program and the scholarly journal Per Musi, to which he has served as Chief-Editor for 20 years. He has premiered significant double bass works in the US, Europe and Brazil, and published dozens of double bass originals, transcriptions and scholarly articles on music analysis and performance. He has won several prizes in Brazil and US as a soloist, composer and theorist (see details at He has accompanied musicians such as Yo-Yo Ma, Midori, Menahen Pressler, Gismonti, Hermeto Pascoal, Toninho Horta, Henry Mancini and Bill Mays. Fausto BoreÌm leads the theatrical music ensemble "Musa Brasilis". ORCID:



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BORÉM, Fausto; MEDEIROS, Rita. (2019a) Gimme Five. Music and lyrics by Fausto Borém, performed by Fausto Borém (double bass) and Rita Medeiros (voice). Bloomington: Jacobs School of Music (Auer Hall), Indiana University. Available at

BORÉM, Fausto; MEDEIROS, Rita. (2019b) Sunset Blues. Composition by Fausto Borém, performed by Fausto Borém (double bass) and Rita Medeiros (voice). Bloomington: Jacobs School of Music (Auer Hall), Indiana University. Available at

BORÉM, Fausto; MEDEIROS, Rita; BUARQUE, Chico; LOBO, Edu. (2019) Sol e chuva [Sun and Rain]. Song by Chico Buarque and Edu Lobo, arrangement by Fausto Borém, performed by Fausto Borém (double bass) and Rita Medeiros (voice). Bloomington: Jacobs School of Music (Auer Hall), Indiana University. Available at

BORÉM, Fausto; MEDEIROS, Rita; MERCURY, Freddie. (2019) My melancholy blues. Canção de Freddie Mercury, arrangement by Fausto Borém, performed by Fausto Borém (double bass) and Rita Medeiros (voice). Available at

BORÉM, Fausto; MEDEIROS, Rita; VILLA-LOBOS, Heitor; VASCONCELOS, Dora. (2019) Canção de amor [Love Song]. Song by H. Villa Lobos and Dora Vasconcelos, arrangement by Fausto Borém, performed by Fausto Borém (double bass) and Rita Medeiros (voice). Bloomington: Jacobs School of Music (Auer Hall), Indiana University. Available at

MAYS, Bill; BORÉM, Fausto; MEDEIROS, Rita; FRONCEK, Tim (2019) Surprise Samba. Peça de Bill Mays, arrangement by Fausto Borém, performed by Bill Mays (piano and voice), Fausto Borém (double bass and voice), Rita Medeiros (voice) and Tim Froncek (samba tamborim). Bloomington: Jacobs School of Music (Auer Hall), Indiana University. Available at




Como Citar

Borém, F. (2020). Developing a Crossover Idiomatic Writing for the Double Bass: Composing/Arranging & Playing, and . Da capo !. Revista Vórtex, 8(2), 7.


