Sight-reading as an important factor in the professional growth of future music teacher


  • Anna Adamyan Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan | Armenia



instrumental performance, music teacher, performing skills, pedagogical skills, sight-reading


The aim of the following study is to highlight the significance of the development of sight- reading skills both in the higher stages of music education implemented in the university, conservatory, and in the music career of performer-teachers. The author has examined a large number of Soviet, Post- Soviet and Western studies concerning the topic with sufficient practical recommendations and methods for developing this skill. According to the results of the online questionnaire-based survey, carried out among participants, the data analyses showed that, in spite of giving importance to sight-reading, the respondents seek to pay more attention to this skill by involving it in the curricula on their own initiative. As a result, the author's hypotheses are fully supported. Besides, based on her own experience, the author confirms that sight- reading provides the music teacher with a broad range of benefits leading to professional development and a good reputation among the students.


Biografia do Autor

Anna Adamyan, Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan | Armenia

Anna Adamyan is a PhD in Arts, and Associate Professor of the chair of Music Education of Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU). She was born in 1980, and graduated as a pianist from Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory with honors in 2003. In 2012 she completed her doctorate study, and received a PhD degree in Musical Art in 2013. Anna Adamyan has 15 years of pedagogical experience as a piano teacher and accompanist. Her research interests include Armenian piano music history, performing arts, music psychology, music education, and piano teaching methods. ORCID:


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Como Citar

Adamyan, A. (2020). Sight-reading as an important factor in the professional growth of future music teacher. Revista Vórtex, 8(2), 6.


