Shared musical creativity: teaching composer-performer collaboration

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  • Luciane Cardassi Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Guilherme Bertissolo Universidade Federal da Bahia



This paper focuses on teaching composer- performer collaboration as a path to new paradigms of 21st century art-making. First, we discuss the interplay between theory and practice in creative musical processes, with special attention to the performative modality of composition. Then, we approach collaboration itself, considering how the term has been both overused and misunderstood for decades. Finally, we present a case study of teaching composer- performer collaboration at the graduate level, in the "Atelier for Composition and Performance" (Ateliê de Composição e Performance Contemporânea), at the Federal University of Bahia.


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Biografia do Autor

Luciane Cardassi, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Brazilian-Canadian pianist Luciane Cardassi is currently Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in Salvador, Brazil. She holds a Doctorate in Contemporary Music Performance from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), a Master's Degree from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and a Bachelor's Degree from the University of São Paulo (USP). Luciane Cardassi explores the contemporary music world through collaboration and performance. Her research emphasis is on artistic collaboration and contemporary piano music, publishing articles and teaching strategies to learn, create, collaborate and perform the music of our times. ORCID:

Guilherme Bertissolo, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Guilherme Bertissolo (born in Porto Alegre, based in Salvador-Bahia/Brazil) is a composer, researcher and music teacher. As a composer he has been awarded and his music has been performed in Brazil, Germany, Portugal, Spain, USA and Canada. Also, he often composes collaborative works, especially with dance and video. Currently, he is Associate Professor at Music School of Federal University of Bahia, Salvador-Bahia, Arts and Culture Coordinator at UFBA, member of OCA (Of icina de Composição Agora), Director of the project MuÌsica de Agora na Bahia (Music of Now in Bahia) and co-editor of the ART Music Review. ORCID:


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Como Citar

Cardassi, L., & Bertissolo, G. (2020). Shared musical creativity: teaching composer-performer collaboration. Revista Vórtex, 8(1), 13.



