Personal Thinking on the Creative Directions of Chinese Contemporary Zheng Music

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  • Peng Liu Central Conservatory of Music | Sichuan Conservatory of Music



In this article, composer Peng Liu investigates the role of the Zheng instrument in Chinese new music scene. The composer focuses on three main approaches on how Zheng music has been written so far: the preservation of tradition, the modern development, and the extreme use. Peng also talks about the resistance from traditional Zheng players when performing pieces from the new music repertoire, and the encouragement to experimentation led mainly by Chinese composers. Although the text is a personal response by the composer, Peng is motivated to contribute to the development of new music repertoire for Zheng [note by editor].


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Biografía del autor/a

Peng Liu, Central Conservatory of Music | Sichuan Conservatory of Music

Peng Liu, Ph.D. in Music Composition, holds a teaching position at the Composition Department of Sichuan Conservatory of Music, while he is engaging in the postdoctoral research under the co-advisor Jia Guoping in the Central Conservatory of Music. His works have won numerous awards, including the outstanding award of 2019 Asian Composers showcase in Korea and several prizes of competitions hosted by Traditional Music Festival. Groups that have performed his works include the Teana Zheng ensemble, the New Zealand Trio/ Quartet, the Kammer Musek Veräin Lëtzebuerg and The Hong Kong New Music Ensemble. E-mail:


SHA, Wang. Dwell Poetically"”Comment on the music creation of Tao Yimo"™s Zheng work. The Free Cloud, People"™s Music, 2013 (11), p. 34




Cómo citar

Liu, P. (2020). Personal Thinking on the Creative Directions of Chinese Contemporary Zheng Music. Revista Vórtex, 8(1), 1–9.