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This paper aims to show students’ knowledge of the relationship between action and the production of signs in posing and solving mathematical problems, based on themes related to their realities and interests. Considering the procedures related to the Problem Posing and the Problem Solving present in the literature and the elements belonging to Peirce’s semiotics focused on semiosis, we look into the posing and solving problem by students of a class of the 2nd Grade of High School in a public school in the interior of São Paulo. The audio recordings of the groups in the posing and solving problem and in the plenary, as well as written records and photographs composed the data that we analyzed. Through the qualitative analysis of the students’ action and production of signs in two episodes - problem posing and problem solving - structured via Trees of Association of Ideas, we show that semiosis is not limited and is linked to the progress of students both in the posing, as well as in the solving and possible reformulation of the problem, so that knowledge about the situation present in the problem, about the dynamics of its resolution and the Mathematics necessary for a solution are articulated to the students’ experiences.
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