Mathematics Education, Final Years of Elementary School, Teaching PracticesAbstract
This paper assumed the objective of presenting an experience of using the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory in the Teaching-Learning of 2nd Degree Equations via Problem Solving. For this, theoretical references were built on Hypothetical Learning Trajectory and Teaching-Learning Mathematics via Problem Solving, making it possible to trace in the methodology a Hypothetical Trajectory of Teaching-Learning of 2nd degree Equations articulated in both theories. This trajectory was applied in groups of 9th grade students. The data consisted of questions, doubts and resolutions that were confronted with the hypotheses listed a priori. The results of the confrontation revealed that: a large part of the students' activities and uncertainties can be predicted and base-solutions established that support the teacher's explanations; the problem as a starting point makes it possible to guide and dynamize the teaching of mathematics, attributing meaning to the learning of the content, articulating it to a context.
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