


Knowledge production, Differential and Integral Calculus. Mathematical Modeling, Higher Education


In this paper we reported the experience with a classical volumetric optimization problem, taken as a Mathematical Modeling activity for the teaching of Differential and Integral Calculus. We reflected on the mathematical knowledge acquired and on the constituent modes, with what was exposed in a class report by four subjects who experienced the activity. As a synthesis articulating this reflective thinking, we infer that the mathematical knowledge constituted converged to the knowledge glimpsed a priori and classically addressed by the problem, but went beyond the expected solution, going further than what is commonly suggested by textbooks. The way they were constituted was supported by literature, observation, experimentation, demonstration and, in parts, mediated by the inductive process. In addition, the students used digital technology and, occasionally, dialog with the teacher. We positively evaluated the experience with Mathematical Modeling that did not limit the problem to its solution and opened the possibility of distancing from the usual ways it is approached in textbooks and in the classroom. 


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How to Cite

Frazão Alves, K., Silva, A. de S. ., & Wichnoski, P. (2023). THE MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE CONSTITUTED WITH A MATHEMATICAL MODELING ACTIVITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION: REPORT AND REFLECTIONS. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 12(28), 447–461.



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