Ethnomathematics, Empirical Mathematics, Formal Mathematics, BricklayersAbstract
The article presents the results of a research that had as main objective to investigate the mathematical methods empirically used by bricklayers, presenting the mathematical results that support them. To achieve the objective we sought to highlight the empirical mathematics developed by bricklayers; to understand how empirical mathematics is developed by them and to explore the empirical mathematical knowledge used by bricklayers by relating it to school mathematics. The methodological approach used was qualitative and descriptive. The data were collected from semi-structured interviews applied to three masons, professionals in the construction industry. In the data analysis we took as main reference the theoretical assumptions of Ubiratan D'Ambrósio. We emphasize that mathematical methods are present in the participants' daily lives and that all their knowledge related to these methods was acquired through experiences in daily practice. Finally, we show that empirical mathematics and formal mathematics are closely related in the practices of bricklayers, influencing these professionals in obtaining knowledge essential to their profession.
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