We present an excerpt of the main findings of a doctoral study that analyzed, in the light of from the Theory of Conceptual Fields (VERGNAUD, 1986), the work with Combinatorics in the shaped curricula, in action and carried out by two teachers of Youth and Adult Education (EJA). To this end, interviews were conducted, teaching plans were requested and analyzed, Combinatorial classes and the effects of teaching practice were observed. It was found that teachers showed little knowledge of the content, their approach to curriculum materials and their teaching and learning processes. However, in the modeling, they proposed different combinatorial situations, their invariants and varied symbolic representations. It was noticed that the teachers included in their curricula in action different situations of Combinatorics, being in the 1st segment only measurement products and four types of situation in the 2nd segment. The invariants were considered in the development of their classes, as well as the use of drawings, images, lists and trees of possibilities as symbolic representations. With regard to the effects of practices, both students and teachers evidenced learning with the development of strategies for systematizing the data contained in the problems. It is concluded that it is necessary to go deeper into the different segments of EJA, with regard to the curricula that are molded, in action and carried out – in particular regarding the combinatorial situations dealt with, their invariants and modes of symbolic representation.
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