

In light of some experiences lived by the authors of this paper, it has been observed that several Middle School students struggle with visualizing geometric solids as well as assembling spatial figures based on their plane shapes. Thus, the authors have developed a card game called “Geometric Deck”, designed to enhance, in a playful and dynamic manner, the comprehension of how to build geometric solids based on their plane representation. The goal of this work is to report the experiences with the Geometric Deck card game in two workshops. One for teachers who are taking the Extension Course in Mathematics Teaching, in Seropédica - RJ and another for Middle School students, in the same city as above, during the National Science and Technology Week 2019. First, a workshop was held with seven Middle School Mathematics teachers, who had the opportunity to test the game and evaluate it orally and through a survey. The workshop with teachers brought up several reflections on the topic, as well as suggestions for improving the game dynamics. Then, a workshop was held with thirteen 8th grade students from a public school, implementing several suggestions presented by teachers who had taken part in the first workshop. From the development of the activity with the students, satisfactory results were found, mainly in relation to students' involvement with the game in question and the apparent improvement in the association of geometric solids with their planifications.


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How to Cite

Clemente, T. D. ., Menezes, E. H. S. de ., Suemitsu, L. T. ., & Barbosa, A. M. . (2022). O USO DO BARALHO GEOMÉTRICO PARA DESENVOLVER O CONTEÚDO DE PLANIFICAÇÃO DE FIGURAS ESPACIAIS. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 11(24), 481–504. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unespar.edu.br/rpem/article/view/6723



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