

In this work, we present a cut of a master's degree research carried out by the authors about a study of meaning productions for infinity made by students of Undergraduate Mathematics Courses with the help of GeoGebra software. The production and analysis of the data is based on the Semantic Fields Model by Lins (2012), so that, when we detach ourselves from a ready and finished definition for infinity, we are open to new interpretations and make certain directions of interluction manifested by the students plausible, however, without attributes of right or wrong. For the production of data, we carried out an online questionnaire through the GeoGebra platform using two resources: GeoGebra Materials and GeoGebra Classroom, which, in addition to having resources similar to other questionnaires such as Google Forms, for example, also allow the addition of manipulable constructions of the GeoGebra. Another reason for choosing the online questionnaire stems from the pandemic scenario caused by the COVID-19 disease, while the subjects were invited by email and social media groups and its application took place by sending the questionnaire link by e-mail to interested parties. After the production and analysis of the data, we realized that the research subjects manifest beliefs-affirmations whose legitimacy comes from both their day-to-day experiences and their experiences in the academic culture of an Undergraduate Mathematics Course. We also emphasize that their statements present justifications through the zoom and the wording of the questions.


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How to Cite

Salatta, V. A. ., & Dantas, S. C. . (2022). PRODUZINDO INFINITOS: UM ESTUDO SOB O OLHAR DO MODELO DOS CAMPOS SEMÂNTICOS. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 11(24), 83–109. Retrieved from



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