

In this paper, we aim to analyze the potential of a work with collaborative characteristics for the development/improvement of the specialized knowledge of the mathematics teacher to use fractions. The theoretical foundation assumed considers three characteristic aspects of a collaborative work - trust, dialogue and negotiation - and one of the subdomains of the theoretical framework of the so-called Mathematics Teachers’ Specialized Knowledge, the Knowledge of Topics subdomain. The data were obtained in a face-to-face meeting of a training process, which took place in 2019, with teachers who teach Mathematics in the early years of elementary school. It took two relevant episodes that took place while group members were discussing a math task. The results show that when a group of teachers performs a work that manifests aspects of collaboration, its members can expose their ways of thinking without fear of being wrong or not, enabling a rethinking about their Knowledge of Topics. This result allows us to demand about the need to investigate in greater depth the role of error in the learning of teachers or trainers.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, F. M. ., & Elias, H. R. . (2022). ASPECTOS DE COLABORAÇÃO NO DESENVOLVIMENTO DO CONHECIMENTO ESPECIALIZADO DO PROFESSOR DE MATEMÁTICA. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 11(24), 332–355. Retrieved from



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