

This is qualitative research that aimed to establish understandings about the meanings that students of a Pedagogy course attribute to the teaching of Mathematics. To this end, students of a Pedagogy course were interviewed, to answer the following research question: What meanings do students from a Pedagogy Course attribute to the teaching of Mathematics? The theoretical contribution was based on the notion of the relationship to knowledge. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, which were audio-recorded and later transcribed. Analyzes were performed according to Discursive Textual Analysis. First, the characteristics of the epistemic, personal and social dimensions of the subject’s relationship to mathematical knowledge were searched in the transcripts of the interviews. Next, the characteristics found in these dimensions were used to form the core meanings of the student's relationship to Mathematics. In this process, the cores of meaning of positive feedback and negative feedback were identified, which structured the reports referring to the subject's relationship with Mathematics. From these cores of meaning, historical reconstructions of the relationship between subjects and Mathematics were developed, a process that gave rise to a new core of meaning, called the core of meaning of the teaching. Such core concerns the beliefs, affinities, fears, expectations and difficulties that involve the teaching of Mathematics, according to the subjects. The analyzes provided an understanding of the reasons that led the subjects to choose teaching, their respective relationships to Mathematics, and the implication of these relationships in the subject’s expectations to practice teaching.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, P. R. P. A. ., Hermann, W., & Coqueiro, V. dos S. (2022). MANIFESTAÇÕES DE ACADÊMICAS DE UM CURSO DE PEDAGOGIA SOBRE O SENTIDO DO ENSINO DE MATEMÁTICA. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 11(24), 214–243. Retrieved from



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