In this research, we analyze the perimeter approach in the chapter of the textbook from the 6th grade of elementary school, approved by the National Textbook Program – PNLD/2020, from the perspective of the Anthropological Theory of Didactics by Yves Chevallard (1999). We adopted perimeter as a magnitude based on the adaptation of the theoretical model of the game of frames proposed by Douady and Perrin-Glorian (1989) for the area magnitude. With a qualitative and documentary approach, we direct our analyzes to mapping the types of tasks related to the perimeter, identifying the tasks that are answered by the author and which are left to the book user, and we modeled the mathematical praxeology of the types of tasks identified. The results reveal that the analyzed book chapter proposes 43 tasks, which we categorize as belonging to eight different types of tasks. Of the types of tasks categorized, only two are presented solved in the copy. The praxeological analysis revealed that in the proposed tasks, the numerical aspects gain a lot of emphasis, but also pointed to the existence of tasks whose exploration puts the existence of elements that contribute to the understanding of the magnitude perimeter. We recommend to teachers, users of the book, the valorization of these tasks, but we also suggest some tasks that when explored at the time of teaching will increase the repertoire of those that contribute to the appropriation of the magnitude perimeter by the student.
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