A representação da partilha da África em "Civilization V"
Partilha da África, Pós-colonialismo, video game, música africanaAbstract
The episode “Scramble for Africa” remains in the imagination of humanity in a very striking way to express itself from different points of view and in many ways, whether in visual works such as paintings and installations, or in the form of poems, computer games and music. The present study highlights strategies of dispute of the video game Civilization V that, in a way, reproduce the European offensive in conquering the continent, also considering the music written by Geoff Knorr for this video game. We have observed that, despite the game dynamics and musical soundtrack highlight features that are part of African condition, the preponderance of European characteristics in the representation of the event in question becomes evident, with very defined positions between the “two” sides involved, of attack and defense, of expansion and resistance, of oppression and survival, respectively attributed to Europeans and Africans.
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