Práticas monstruosas na invenção de um mundo para além do humano (um laboratório de dança e imaginação)




monstruosidade, ecologia, cocriação, pós-humanidade


The article is a sharing of creation methodologies and tactics developed through residence "monstrous practices in the invention of a world beyond the human (a dance and imagination laboratory)", which happened within the program of the International Seminar on Art and Ecology - Policies of Existence by the Postgraduate Program in Arts of the Cena - UFRJ in partnership with the MAR - Museum of Art of Rio. Through four investigative axes the proposal aims at a displacement of the notion of humanity built through modern thinking/technology to a close look at other life forms and alliances between human and nonhuman beings, diverse materialities and hybridism. Imagination as a possible physicality for dance creations.


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Author Biographies

Princesa Ricardo Marinelli

Princesa Ricardo Marinelli is bizarre. Proudly bizarre. She is a dance artist, a gender terrorist. Cultural manager. Educator. Postdoctoral student in Dance (UFRJ). PhD in Cultural Performances (UFG-2023), Master in Education (UFPR- 2005), Specialist in Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion (UNISE-2023) and Degree in Physical Education (UFPR-2002). Fellow/resident of Casa Hoffmann (2003-2004). Founding member of Cauve-flor worldwide artistic mini-community (2005- 2012). She was part of the teaching staff of the Dance courses at FAP-UNESPAR (2019-2022), the Dance Degree Course at UFG (2017-2018) and the Degree Course in Physical Education at UFPR (2005-2006). Since 2011, she has managed the creative platform "Yes, we are bizarre!", a project that was funded by the Rumos Itaú Cultural 2013-2014 program. Currently, she is part of the complex and wonderful collective experience that is Selvática Ações Artísticas.


Gabriel Machado é artista-gestor e investigador das artes da cena. Integrante-fundador da Selvática Ações Artísticas. Mestre e doutorando em Artes da Cena pela UFRJ, investiga monstruosidades, processos de simbioses e alianças entre diferentes organismos na busca por criações de mundos para além do humano.


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How to Cite

MARINELLI, Princesa Ricardo; MATHEUS LOPES MACHADO, Gabriel. Práticas monstruosas na invenção de um mundo para além do humano (um laboratório de dança e imaginação). Revista Cientí­fica/FAP, Curitiba, v. 30, n. 1, p. 70–87, 2024. DOI: 10.33871/19805071.2024.30.1.8881. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.