Entre ratos-humanos e humanos mascarados
a construção de imagens significantes no espetáculo “Mordaz”
Puppet Theater, Masks, Pigmalião Escultura que Mexe, PuppetsAbstract
The article will provide an exposition of the creation process of the show Mordaz in order to provide a vision of the aesthetic-political proposal of the theatrical group Pigmalião Escultura que Mexe and its creative ways to “sharpen” the imagination and reflection of its audience. Walking through the description of wanting (the intentions of dramaturgy) and doing (transportation to the scene), the work reconstructs the process of creating the work to understand its creative motivations and its meaning-making strategies that are catalyzed in the spectator's reading . Considering that its author is a member of the group and an actress in the show analyzed, the article brings elements of participatory research, using observation and documentary analysis as instruments, in addition to bibliographical consultations.
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