Ensaio sobre um processo de criação artística
a (des)ordem da imaginação e do acaso na poética audiovisual
Imagination, Video Arts, Chance, Creation processAbstract
In this reflective essay, our objective is to present a unique process of creation in the video arts, dialoguing with the idea that the creative exercise that gives form to video art – the empirical object of our investigation – is permeated by the transience of the incompleteness of the sensitive and conscious gesture. What (co)moves us in this analytical reasoning is the idea of chance as a possible constitutive path to thinking about and making art through the expansion of imagination, intuition and audiovisual language itself. Our investigative path is based on the type of qualitative and inductive research and, as a methodological approach, we use Process Criticism, since the process of artistic construction of the work of art and the recognition of the methods, materials and notes used by Artists are essential for the procedural study of poetics. We base our essay considerations on a guiding question: in what way does audiovisual poetics embrace the concept of personal landscapes and chance in its formal configuration? The theoretical anchoring of the study refers to Fayga Ostrower (2009; 2013) to account for the concepts of chance, perception and forms of expressiveness in the arts and Cecília de Almeida Salles (2006; 2010; 2013), with regard to Process Criticism.Downloads
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