The Beckett's drama through painting

A critical overview of the relationship between beckettian theatrical composition and pictorial art




Beckett, Theater, Painting, Visuality


This article analyzes the state of studies regarding the relationship between Samuel Beckett's theatrical dramaturgy and painting. It considers that different classifications of Beckett's theater indicate this connection, and important scholars of Beckett's work affirm the centrality of visuality and pictorial thought in the author's theatrical composition. Initially, the association of Beckett's name with the "theater of the absurd," "postmodern theater," and "post-dramatic theater" is revisited, considering the analogy between these classifications and painting, as well as the affinities between some of the author's plays and certain pictorial trends. The article then addresses works specifically dealing with the connection between Beckett's theatrical composition and pictorial art, aiming to indicate how this composition engages in visual discourse, the pictorial characteristics of this dramaturgy, and its proximity to the production of certain painters. Thus, indispensable discussions for the analysis of Beckett's theatrical work are presented, and unexplored questions within the realm of Beckett studies are highlighted.


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Author Biography

Vanessa Gonçalves Curty, UFPR

Vanessa Gonçalves Curty holds a Bachelor's degree in Performing Arts (2002) and a Specialization in History and Theories of Art (2004) from the State University of Londrina. She achieved her Master's degree in Theater from the State University of Santa Catarina (2008) and her P.H.D. in Literary, Cultural, and Interartistic Studies from the Faculty of Letters at the University of Porto - Portugal (2023). Since 2004, she has been a teaching at the Federal University of Paraná.


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES CURTY, Vanessa. The Beckett’s drama through painting: A critical overview of the relationship between beckettian theatrical composition and pictorial art. Revista Cientí­fica/FAP, Curitiba, v. 30, n. 1, p. 503–523, 2024. DOI: 10.33871/19805071.2024.30.1.8746. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.