Impactos conceituais do Movimento decolonial nas artes contemporâneas de Belo Horizonte – MG


  • Rodrigo Amaro Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais



decolonial, Arte, Arte contemporânea, subalternidade, micropolítica Belo Horizonte


This article aims to discuss possible impacts of the decolonial turn on contemporary arts in Brazil and how this theme has been addressed in the Arts System of the capital of Minas Gerais. The decolonial turn, in short, can be defined as a theoretical-epistemological movement whose central motto is to discuss the continuity of colonial processes in the mentalities of formerly colonized cultures. Thus, the decolonial turn problematizes the continuity of Eurocentric thinking in the daily relations of subaltern nations through various mechanisms of domination during colonization processes. The research that gave rise to this article aimed to establish an investigation into the production of contemporary art in Brazil and in the capital of Minas Gerais, with a view to investigating the following hypothesis: denunciations of structuring behaviors in our society, such as Eurocentrism, machismo, Are racism, sexism and elitism omnipresent themes in artistic productions, galleries, residencies and awards in the current artistic world? This question can be answered in the affirmative. In order to answer this question, in addition to carrying out a thorough bibliographical review on this topic, we are researching exhibition catalogs from recent years, galleries, public notices for residencies such as Bolsa Pampulha, as well as the artists themselves and their speeches about their work. In this sense, we are verifying the presence of concepts from thinkers who identify with this movement, such as a place of speech, vulnerability, spaces of power, privilege, micropolitics, in the presentation texts of the respective works, in the discourses of the artists, but also in his plastic works. In short, based on the author José Jorge de Carvalho (2018), an important reference on decoloniality, I interpret this critical movement by artists about art spaces, and the consequent opening of these places to works that address decolonization processes of the arts, as part of a second wave of affirmative action that has been transforming our society.


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How to Cite

AMARO, Rodrigo. Impactos conceituais do Movimento decolonial nas artes contemporâneas de Belo Horizonte – MG . Revista Cientí­fica/FAP, Curitiba, v. 30, n. 1, p. 483–502, 2024. DOI: 10.33871/19805071.2024.30.1.8064. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.