Ator, Neurociência, Emoções, CorpoAbstract
This work aims to demonstrate, through the dialogue between the neuroscience of emotions and the concept of memory of emotions by Constantin Stanislavski (1863 - 1938), the importance of human emotions in the actor/actress' work on scenic creation processes. Also part of this research is the exploration of the concept of mental image that has correspondents in the field of neuroscience and performing arts, as well as the reflection of the body as a potency of artistic creation, being emotion a reaction to environmental or cognitive stimuli that can significantly contribute to creative processes. To foster the dialogue between theater and neurosciences, the historical path in which art is related to medical sciences is presented, through Western philosophy, starting from Aristotle in ancient history and culminating in the writings of the Portuguese writer and neuroscientist Antonio Damasio (1994) about the neurophysiological process and the interpretation of human emotions. A study is conducted on the contributions of the neuroscience of emotions to the actor/actress work in organic artistic composition.
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