etching; pornography; contradictoryAbstract
The article aims to highlight how etching and pornography were associated with the political movements of bodies, instrument and starting point of artistic productions with the representation of static movement until the 19th century and parallel to moving images in the 19th and 20th century. Divided into four sections, in the first the etching is technically addressed and its processes are linked to the contradictory as a principle from which the image becomes reproducible. In the second, an analysis of the terms erotic and pornographic and as in the 16 th century is made, the latter was linked to printing systems and the debate about the contradiction between original and copy. In the third section, pornography is linked to political-subversive and literary action in etching, mainly in 17th and 18th century France. In the latter section, the invention of lithography and photography in the 19th century XIX is addressed not only as an emancipatory element of the production of the artist's graphic work, as well as become propellant of modernist avant-gardes, some of which, identified with the explicit visuality of the genitalia and the sexual act despite the development of the moving image.
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