Perceptions of experienced Mathematics teachers about their professional trajectory and the movement to constitute their identity




Mathematics Education, Professional identity of Mathematics teachers, Experienced math teachers


The objective of this article is to identify and discuss perceptions of experienced mathematics teachers regarding elements of their professional trajectory that contribute to the formation of their professional identity (PI). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four experienced mathematics teachers, who acted as protagonists in the development of multimedia cases for the training of mathematics teachers. The elements of the professional trajectory that denote the movement towards establishing the PI of experienced mathematics teachers include: self-reflection, actions aimed towards a sense of agency and the commitment to student education, professionalization and learning. Understanding and investigating these elements makes it possible to rethink the organization and management of teacher training programs (both initial and continuing) with the goal of promoting the movement to establish PI in (future) mathematics teachers.


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Dossiê: Formação de professores que ensinam matemática e Identidade Profissional Docente