From warlike Syria to peaceful Europe: the neo-Orientalist discourse in (auto)biographies of Syrian refugees




Neo-orientalism, (Auto)biography, Syrian refugee


Since 2011, there has been an increase in the publication of (auto)bio-graphies by Syrian refugee women that address their journey in search of refuge in the West. This article investigates the neo-Orientalist discourse in the autobiographies “Nujeen” (2017) by Nujeen Mustafa and Christina Lamb, and “Butterfly: From Refugee to Olympic Swimmer” (2022) by Yusra Mardini. The study aims to understand the effects of neo-Orientalist statements in these works on the female narrative of refuge, which starts from a war-torn Syria towards a peaceful Europe. The corpus consists of excerpts extracted from the (auto)biographies. The interpretation is grounded in Foucauldian conceptions of discursive formation, enunciation, power relations, truth, and power (Foucault, 2008, 2012). The theoretical framework conceptualizes Orientalism and Neo-Orientalism to demonstrate how these structures relate to the corpus. The results indicate that the analyzed works contribute to portraying the East as war-torn, while the West is seen as peaceful.


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Dossier: Biographical and narrative approaches in training, research and intervention