The contribution of university communication in a pandemic context




Federal universities of Pará, Covid-19, Communication on digital social networks, Instagram


The purpose of this article is to reflect on the contribution of university communication in the context of the new coronavirus pandemic, focusing on the publications about Covid-19 on the official Instagram accounts of the four federal universities of the state of Pará: UFPA (Federal University of Pará), Ufra (Federal Rural University of Amazonia), Ufopa (Federal University of Western Pará) and Unifesspa (Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará). The methodology adopted is netnography, which uses data from the internet as objects of observation and interpretative analyses, collaborating for the collection of data in the months of March, April and May 2020 on the referred universities’ accounts. The data presented brings a reflection on how the communication promoted by the federal universities of the state of Pará has been essential in the dialogue with society and in the process of resistance and struggle in the fight against Covid-19.


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