Undergraduate courses in Language and Literature: MEC-INEP’s evaluation criteria and the human emancipation concept





Undergraduate courses in Language and Literature, Sociodiscursive interactionism, Human emancipation


This research is characterized by the investigation of the evaluation criteria for undergraduate courses in Language and Literature (Portuguese-English), established by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) in relation to the concept of human emancipation from a dialectical materialistic historical perspective. The general objective is to discuss the criteria for the evaluation of the highest ranked undergraduate courses in Language and Literature (Portuguese-English) by the Ministry of Education, conducted by the Anísio Teixeira National Institute, comparing them with the theme of teacher training focused on human emancipation. Thus, Technical Note 72 (INEP, 2014) and texts based on Marxism were taken as an object of analysis from a contextual analysis, the thematic orientation segment and the thematic treatment segment and the enunciative modalization mechanisms under the sociodiscursive interactionist theoretical basis, according to Bronckart (1999). The results showed that the evaluation criteria established in the investigated document differ mainly from the concept of human emancipation identified in the analyzed texts.


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