The contribution of the Brazilian Graduate Programs in Environmental Sciences to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda




Sustainable Development Goals, Graduate Studies, Environmental Sciences, Social Impact


The aim is to analyze the contribution of the Brazilian Graduate Programs (PPGs) in the Environmental Sciences (CiAmb) CAPES evaluation area to society in the process of incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Therefore, an analysis of final papers, dissertations and theses was carried out, comprising 13 PPGs with Doctoral Programs awarded a mark of “7, 6 and 5”, two with Professional Master's Programs awarded a mark of "5", and two with national network Professional Master's Programs. The data, obtained from the Sucupira Platform, were compared with descriptors from the 17 SDG and analyzed by means of a computational algorithm. The results were organized according to the dimensions of the SDG and by region Furthermore, the environmental dimension stands out from the others, and the PPGs have taken efforts to the commitment to comply with the 2030 Agenda, characterizing the relevance and importance of the Environmental Sciences Area to the education of human talents that contribute to the country’s sustainable development.


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