EMI in focus: perceptions, possibilities and challenge
Higher Education, Internationalization, English-Medium Instruction, Program “Paraná Speaks Languages/English”Abstract
The internationalization of Brazilian universities reflects on the use of English as a means of instruction (English-medium instruction – EMI) in undergraduate and graduate courses and subjects. This work aims to analyze the impact of an EMI extension course offered by the program “O Paraná Fala Idiomas/Inglês” (Parana Speaks Languages/English), at a public university in the state of Paraná. It is a qualitative case study; we generated the data through questionnaires to professors who participated in the course, in order to understand the initial and final expectations of these participants regarding the course, its practices and content. The results indicate, among other findings, that part of the challenges linked to the development of actions in EMI can be overcome through initiatives that promote the adaptation of the classes to the context of EMI.
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