Cartography of the invention: unlearning in the journey




Deterritorialization, Cartography, Journey, Difference


This study addresses some aspects of the deterritorialization process of an educator-researcher between 2017 and 2023, the period in which he began the cartography of his becoming process. The methodology used is based on Deleuze (2011) and Guattari (1990), thus always open to new ways of thinking. It portrays singularities of research experimentation, in which not only the research was crossed but also the researcher, the research group, their work environment, and their social relationships. It consists of a wandering proposal that aims at moving from the central point, leaving, displacing, and opening cracks not only as a reflection of the author's experience but also as a provocation to the reader. It is a research creation based on an experience open to happenings during the journey, which identifies new ways of producing education by what has not been concluded from inventive possibilities that mark the routes of this path.


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Dossier: Biographical and narrative approaches in training, research and intervention