A Networked Hybrid Interface for Audience Sonification and Machine Learning

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  • Konstantinos Vasilakos Istanbul Technical University, Center for Advanced Studies in Music




Sonifications, Live Coding, Networked Music System, Improvisation, Web Application


Lick the Toad is an ongoing project developed as a web based interface that runs in modern browsers. It provides a custom made platform to collect user data accessed from mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets etc. The system offers a tool for interactive collective sonification supporting networked music performance. It can be used in various contexts, such as an onsite installation, or for the distribution of raw data for live coding performances making it a versatile component for an array of creative practices. Of these, live coding which is one of the author's artistic approach to create live performances is demonstrated in this article highlighting and elaborating on technical and musical aspects of this approach. Final sections outline the system as a tool for live coding performances and cover a series of potential interactions integrating audience and/or using it independently alike.


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Biografia do Autor

Konstantinos Vasilakos, Istanbul Technical University, Center for Advanced Studies in Music

Konstantinos Vasilakos creates electro-acoustic music using hitherto available computer music systems within the milieu of interactive music and digital arts. He studied in Greece, UK and The Netherlands. His music interests include performance with hardware interfaces, live coding, sonification, and networked music environments for real time improvisation. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3058-0048


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Como Citar

Vasilakos, K. (2022). A Networked Hybrid Interface for Audience Sonification and Machine Learning. Revista Vórtex, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.33871/23179937.2022.10.1.4695



Dossier "18th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music"
