The planning of manipulative materials in the context of Lesson Study in continuous teacher training for inclusive mathematical literacy
With the goal of exploring aspects of planning based on Lesson Study methodology to fit into the stages of developing, aligning, or adapting, and applying manipulative materials for inclusive mathematical literacy, we offered a continuing education training for teachers. Guided by the research question: what aspects of teacher training on manipulative materials in the context of inclusive mathematical literacy did [or did not] contribute to teacher learning? We proposed a workflow that, at each stage of planning, provides theoretical foundations related to the curricula and specific topics of mathematics, as well as practical guidelines for the moments of planning and adaptation of manipulative materials with the help of a specialist in special education. These steps comprised our data production for the research. From the results, we report on the work developed by two teacher groups, respectively dealing with the concepts of fractions and number construction, targeting Early Years and Early Childhood Education students. We understand that the workflow provided participating teachers with autonomy and confidence, culminating in the elaboration, alignment, and adaptation of potentially inclusive manipulative materials that were used by the entire class, a characteristic we consider essential for materials with this focus. The participating teachers were provided with new knowledge about mathematical content, curriculum, and ways of approaching the classroom that can improve teaching and learning in their future professional practice.
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