Formação continuada de professores (as) sobre o tema indígena numa perspectiva transdisciplinar: uma revisão sistemática de literatura




This article presents the results of a survey conducted on the basis of consultations in the Portal of Journals of the Coordination of Improvement of Personnel of Higher Level (CAPES) and Catalog of theses and dissertations - CAPES, in the time frame from 2012 to 2022, in scientific works with a transdisciplinary perspective on the training of teachers on indigenous issues in the early years of Basic Education, characterizing a Systematic Review of Literature (RSL). This research aims to identify academic-scientific productions carried out in Brazil, which point the continuous training of teachers, on the perspective of transdisciplinarity, addressing aspects of the histories and cultures of indigenous peoples in the classes of the early years of elementary school, for understanding that transdisciplinarity can promote integrated and holistic views on knowledge, favoring critical reflection and the application of knowledge in real and diversified contexts, seeking to train teachers able to deal with the complex and multifaceted challenges of contemporary education. The bibliographical research had a qualitative approach, characterized as descriptive, using the inductive mode of analysis. In the results, it is possible to see the gap in the research carried out on the continuing training of teachers, in a transdisciplinary perspective about indigenous peoples, in addition to allowing a reflection and visualization of the most referenced authors in the theme that this research involves.


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