Patches in a timeline with ossia score


  • Jean-Michaël Celerier



pure data, ossia score, timeline, interactive scores, patching


Handling of time and scores in patchers such as PureData, Max/MSP has been an ongoing concern for composers and users of such software. We introduce an integration of PureData inside the ossia score interactive and intermedia sequencer, based on libpd. This integration allows to score precisely event that are being sent to a PureData patch, and process the result of the patch's computations afterwards in score. This paper describes the way this integration has been achieved, and how it enables composers to easily add a temporal dimension to a set of patches, by leveraging both the computational power of PureData and the temporal semantics of the ossia system, in order to create complex compositions.


Biografia do Autor

Jean-Michaël Celerier,

Jean-Michaël Celerier, born in France in 1992, is a freelance researcher, interested in art, code, computer music and interactive show control. He studied software engineering, computer science & multimedia technologies at Bordeaux, and obtained his doctorate on the topic of authoring temporal media in 2018. He develops and maintains a range of free & open-source software used for creative coding, digital and intermedia art, which he leverages in various installations and works. He enjoys organizing events centered on programming and media art and teaches all sorts of creative coding systems to both computer science and graphics design students. ORCID:


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Como Citar

Celerier, J.-M. (2021). Patches in a timeline with ossia score. Revista Vórtex, 9(2), 21.



Dossier "A quarter of century of Pd: past, present and future"