On the nature of musical scores and the rationale to prepare them: formulating directives


  • Marcus Alessi Bittencourt Universidade Estadual de Maringá




musical scores, music hermeneutics, music writing


This paper investigates the nature of written musical scores and their role in the communication between composer and performer. Using as thread the narrative of the rewriting of a problematic earlier score, the investigation starts from Derrida's emphasis of absence in the phenomenon of writing (1982) and Eco's concept of model reader (1979), and stresses the importance of improvisation in the creative process and its impact in the act of writing, introducing a notion of hermeneutics from Barthes' distinction between Work and Text (1977), Bloom's concept of poetic misprision (1975), and Austin's theory of speech-acts (1962), which is used to create an interpretative tripartite model. There is then a discussion on the purely abstract nature of a composition and the pitfalls involved in the task of transcribing performances. During the course of the discussion, the rationale investigated engenders twelve directives for the effective preparation of musical scores.


Biografia do Autor

Marcus Alessi Bittencourt, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Marcus Alessi Bittencourt (b. 1974) is an American-Brazilian composer, pianist and music theorist born in the United States of America. He holds master's and doctoral degrees in music composition from Columbia University in the City of New York, and a bachelor's degree in music from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. He is currently a professor of composition, music theory and computer music at the Universidade Estadual de MaringaÌ (State University of MaringaÌ), in ParanaÌ, Brazil. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5108-1777


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Como Citar

Bittencourt, M. A. (2020). On the nature of musical scores and the rationale to prepare them: formulating directives. Revista Vórtex, 8(2), 8. https://doi.org/10.33871/23179937.2020.8.2.8


