Visuals, Structure and Emotion: The Toy Piano in the Dramaturgy of Piano Recitals


  • Késia Decoté Rodrigues Independent researcher



Toy piano, Piano performance, Piano recital, Artform recital, Dramaturgy.


This paper examines the contribution of the toy piano to the dramaturgy of piano recitals. As a starting point for the study, the concept of artform recital is introduced, as the understanding that all elements come together with the music programme to build the listening experience. In order to weave all these elements together coherently, it is then proposed the application of ideas from dramaturgy. Three piano recitals are observed as case studies, demonstrating how the addition of toy piano performances can contribute to the dramaturgy of recitals by offering a distinct visual interest, allowing other possibilities of exploration of the space of performance and of the pianist's body movement, suggesting emotional connotations to the listening experience, and by working as a key element in the structure of the programme.


Biografia do Autor

Késia Decoté Rodrigues, Independent researcher

PhD and MA (Distinction) in Interdisciplinary Arts and Music from Oxford Brookes University (CNPq and Santander scholarships respectively), and Masters and Bachelors in Music - Piano Performance from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PIBIC/ CNPq and CAPES scholarships respectively). Késia has a special interest in contemporary music and interdisciplinary arts practices as innovative ways to present music. As a performer, Késia Decoté has a record of solo, chamber music and interdisciplinary performances in the UK, Brazil, Canada, Norway and Portugal. Areas of interest: music performance, piano performance, contemporary music, improvisation, interdisciplinary arts and art in context. ORCID:


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Como Citar

Decoté Rodrigues, K. (2020). Visuals, Structure and Emotion: The Toy Piano in the Dramaturgy of Piano Recitals. Revista Vórtex, 8(2), 4.



Dossiê "The Toy Piano Takes the Stage"