Aliados para um ensino de filosofia libertador


  • Aline de Oliveira Rosa UFRJ
  • Mauricio Rasia Cossio Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



We are a couple of philosophy techers who wonder how to make our classes have meaning for the lives of our students. This meaning that we are looking for, points to the idea of ​​freedom and autonomy, of expansion of consciousness for an increasingly effective understanding and action in the world, following the concept of liberating pedagogy by Paulo Freire and bell hooks. For us, the interaction between philosophy and art has much to contribute to this process. Not just because, according to Gilles Deleuze, the work with philosophical concepts itself resembles the rhythm and tempo of music, but because, as in art, the philosophical doing cannot give up emotions so that it can be really understood and meant in its depth. We also noticed that working with artistic products, a teaching practice that Deleuze calls Pop'Philosophy, makes the classroom turn into a laboratory of sensations and thoughts, bringing philosophy to the bodies and minds of all who are part of this experience.


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How to Cite

Rosa, A. de O., & Rasia Cossio, M. (2022). PHILOSOPHY AND ART: ALLIES FOR A LIBERATING PHILOSOPHY TEACHING: Aliados para um ensino de filosofia libertador. Revista Paranaense De Filosofia, 2(2), 66–93.



Dossiê: As Artes e o Ensino de Filosofia - Artigos e Relatos de Experiência