Wittgenstein, Ethics, Conception of Family Resemblances, Standard ReadingAbstract
This paper’s goal is to argue against the standard reading on the development of Wittgenstein’s conception of ethics, in particular, against the role it ascribes to the conception of family resemblances in this context. According to the proponents of this reading Wittgenstein’s conception of language in the Tractatus Logico Philosophicus (TLP) restricts his conception of ethics. Thus it makes both conception incompatible. This incompatibility could only be resolved with the development of his conception of language, which permitted a more overt treatment towards ethics, especially because of the conception of family resemblances. For these authors, this leads to a change in Wittgenstein’s conception of ethics. Against this reading we will argue that, in fact, there is a strong sense of continuity in Wittgenstein’s conception of ethics. For, as we will show, Wittgenstein reiterates key-points of this conception even in his later thoughts, such as, the non-empirical and necessary nature of ethics. We will then conclude that this conception is recontextualized in the discussion regarding the conception of family resemblances.
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