Hyperpop, Gender, Social acceleration, ModernityAbstract
This essay seeks to analyze how the emerging musical genre hyperpop can be characterized, even with its expressive multiplicity, in order to perceive it in dialogue with contemporary processes such as social acceleration and gender performance. To do this, after contextualizing the formation of the musical genre, the debate on the relationship between the formation of European modernity and the processes of social acceleration was contextualized, as well as the narrative elaboration on gender studies that can inspire analyses that dimension the procedures carried out in hyperpop productions with the contemporary debates in these fields of knowledge. It was possible to see how hyperpop relates in a complex way to these fields of study because, while it participates in processes that are inherently capitalist, the musical genre also makes it possible to constitute new imaginaries around the framework of what is considered human, acting in the process of making more lives possible. Further studies on the musical genre are recommended, especially looking at how it can relate to other fields of everyday experience.
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