The pictorial poetics of Charles Baudelaire
brief study of the imaginary of Le Spleen de Paris
Baudelaire, Le Spleen de Paris, Modernity, Poetic proseAbstract
By portraying modern life through poetic prose, Charles Baudelaire finds in painting one of his allies for the creation of scenes and narratives. Questioning the interfaces between literature, painting and society in Le Spleen de Paris, this article proposes to study the resources present in the poems “Le gâteau”, “Les yeux des pauvres”, “Le joujou des pauvres” and “Le vieux saltimbanque”, emphasizing the ambivalence that characterizes Baudelaire's modernity. Therefore, after reviewing the importance of painting in the poet's itinerary and the stylistic innovation of the studied work, a commentary is developed on the listed poems. From this analysis, it is suggested that Le Spleen de Paris constitutes both an aesthetic experimentation and a poetic and ambivalent reworking of reality.
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