Mamootot (2003)
Mamootot; Processo criativo; Linguagem Gaga; Ohad Naharin.Abstract
In this text I present elements of the biography, allegories, and reflections on choreographic composition Mamootot (2003) of Ohad Naharin, an Israeli choreographer, who since 1990 has been working at the head of the Batsheva Dance Company in the elaboration of the movement language he called Gaga. I highlight the historical context with the objective of identifying how Naharin's language developed and highlighting the main artistic currents that moved his practice and his language until it gained international relevance. I raise questions about death regarding analysis of the choreographic work Mamootot through which I articulate the notions of body, pedagogical aspects to achieve some relationship with Gaga. I use as sources interviews, texts and documentaries produced through the image-speech of the choreographer. It is worth noting that most of the information contextualized so far was collected in the British documentary has the fabulation of stories about Naharin and his achievements inside Batsheva produced by Tomer Heymann, Mr. Gaga: A true story of love and dance (2015), translated into Portuguese as Gaga: the love of dance.
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