Poetics of Sense:
sharing experiences in the field of accessibility in performing arts
Art and Accessibility is a relationship that is increasingly present in academic circles, and it is necessary to delve deeper into these shared practices. The clipping in this article is especially focused on the field of performing arts, seeking to recognize the creation of potential common territories. We started this process talking about the barriers that hinder the feasibility of accessibility, exemplifying a little about each of them the realities experienced in our daily lives and in what is limited to the area of performing arts. The main barriers are: architectural, communicational, attitudinal, social, instrumental, methodological and programmatic. We will recognize what already exists in terms of rights guaranteed in our law and regulations in general in order to outline new possibilities for accessibility in the field of performing arts. At the end of the article, I intend to share about the poetic experiences in the field of cultural accessibility created by DiDanDa Grupo Experimental de Dança and about the show “Poéticas do Sentido”.
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