Extension, theater and accessibility
brief considerations about the partnership between Unespar and IPC
Theater, Accessibility, Extension, People with visual impairmentsAbstract
This text reports some of the experiences developed during the extension project “Theatre and Accessibility: theatrical praxis and people with visual impairments”, coordinated by the author between March and July 2021. This project was a partnership between the Licentiate Degree course in Theater at the State University of Paraná (Unespar/FAP) and the Instituto Paranaense de Cegos (IPC), both based in Curitiba/PR. Fulfilled entirely remotely, via the Google Meet platform, the extension actions reported here aimed to promote theater teaching-learning spaces between the university community and the external community, composed exclusively of people with visual impairments. In the development of activities, nine students of the degree in theater and ten blind people met weekly to exchange and investigate ways of doing-learning-teaching-experience theater taking into account, mainly, not seeing. Participants' reports indicate that the project changed and expanded their conceptions about theater and who can do it.
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