O artivismo materno na pandemia da COVID-19 no Brasil
artvism, activism and art, maternity and mothering, care and democracy, COVID-19 pandemicAbstract
The article deals with maternal artivism and is divided into four parts. In the first part, the term artivism is defined as an aesthetic production collectively constructed from critical debates and creative methods that engage the public (audience and citizens) to become aware and to mobilize institutionally or not. In the second part, motherhood is marked as a social category of its own, but intersecting with issues related to gender, class, race, generation, region, among others. In the third part, the emergence of maternal artivism is historically positioned, highlighting its importance and aesthetic and political innovation in the construction of a critical narrative in relation to motherhood, placing care on the political agenda. And in the fourth and last part, some maternal artivisms are presented during the pandemic, a period in which care is confirmed and intensified as an indispensable agenda for democracy. It is concluded that there is a need to take advantage of this situation to share care and expand the possibilities of a dignified life for mothers and children.
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