Lesbian deterritorialization in the underwater visibility of contemporary Brazilian films
lesbian cinema, queer, becoming-sea, Brazilian cinema, deterritorializationAbstract
This article aims to examine how four Brazilian short films made between 2019 and 2021, featuring lesbian protagonists, employ filmic techniques that resemble the sea, creating spaces where fixed boundaries and separations between individuals and their interactions with the world become indeterminate. These films, namely Quebramar (2019) by Cris Lyra, Bege euforia (2021) by Anália Alencar, Their happiness (2019) by Carol Rodrigues, and A wild patience brought me here (2021) by Érica Sarmet, collectively demonstrate a contemporary lesbian Brazilian cinema that not only challenges established notions of the cisheteronormative imagination of the lesbian body but also interrogates the mechanisms of lesbian in/visibility in film (BRANDÃO, SOUSA, 2019). These works frequently employ audiovisual strategies that display a becoming-sea, evoking the power of the ocean's depths to transfigure the bodies portrayed.
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