[re]existence, performance, liminalities.Abstract
The article reflects on the femiist performance as a practice of [re]existence, in the sense of investigating historical processes of gender violence, committed against cisgender, transexual women and other transexual people in Brazil. It contextualizes the gender violence scenario in the country in the last for years, where there was a raise in this type of violence. It introduces two Brazilian feminist artists, Nina Caetano and Panmela Castro,meaning to analyze their performances. These are important artistic and activist actions, which dialogue with intersectional feminism and are inscribed in liminalities, besides addressing political, ethical and aesthetic aspects, related to gender violence and racism. For this reason, they stand out in the contemporary artistic and feminist production. The hypothesis is that these actions contribute to valuing invisible memories of cisgender, transexual women and other transexual people, as well as to inscribing new ‘discursivities’ in the field of Art. The analyzed actions establish temporary spaces of denunciation, contestation, and contribute (add), to a large extent, to the recognition of new feminist epistemologies in the Arts of the Scene.
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